Sunday, July 27, 2008

Day 1: The First Step

Wow....this day flew by very quickly. Although I barely slept last night, I wasn't lacking energy this morning. The whole day was one big adrenalin rush and before I knew it, it was over. I wish I could write about some drama that happened along the way, but it was fairly uneventful. I used the paved shoulder when possible, or just walked along the white line where the road is most level. There was very little traffic so I rarely had to move over to avoid getting hit.

At one point, I started to cry....and haven't really figured out why, but I think it was just one of those Hallmark moments. All of the emotions that had been building up since I started planning The Victory Walk just let themselves out for a little while. I got over it and kept on walking.

I feel great despite the huge blister that is growing on the bottom of my foot. I think it's going to get even bigger tomorrow, but we'll see about that. I'm so used to treating blisters now that I just tend to accept them as a part of the event.

I'm very optimistic about finishing in 18 days.....I guess if anyoneis going to optimistic about this, it should be me.

One last thing before I go.... When a photographer from a newspaper in Sault Sainte Marie stopped me on the road half way to Rudyard for a few pics, she asked me why I was doing this walk. I paused, and then told her that I hope to help people who are, and will be, going through what I went through as both the son of a cancer victim and as a cancer survivor myself.....and that was the absolute truth, but deep down, after everything is said and done....this is for my mom.

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